My Favorite Pieces
This was a really hard weekend for me... Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE Ronda Rousey. I'll never forget the first time I watched her fight. It lit a fire in me that I didn't know was possible. This woman is incredible. People can call her cocky all they want... she deserves to be cocky (really she's confident but of course people don't see it that way). She has worked her way from literally nothing to where she is now. I have the utmost respect for her. Yes... this weekend she lost. It broke my heart. Ronda is starting a revolution for women and because she lost once, people are already taking her less serious. One loss doesn't take away all her other many accomplishments. Ronda definitely underestimated Holly Holm, but I promise, she'll be back. Unfortunately knowing that doesn't make it any easier right now. I already have people giving me crap about her which I find ridiculous. The people who are judging her don't know enough about her. I also think that people don't realize how much I really like Ronda. I've never had anyone inspire me the way she does. I know it sounds cliche, but I feel like I know her...
Anyway, sorry for the Ronda rant. I'm just still feeling incredibly upset about it and I have lots of pent up emotions about it. Onto fashion... :)
I talk about how everyone needs those staples in their closet that's their classic go-to.. I wanna talk a bit about some of my specific favorites that I have in my wardrobe.
First off, the ever classic flannel. I have about 15 bajillion flannels, but this one goes with the most items. I got this one from Forever 21 along with my skinny jeans. My flannels are always something I throw on when I want a quick, comfy outfit. My tank top in this pictures was a gift from a friend and I'm pretty sure she got it from H&M. And my shoes are Chuck Taylor's from Journey's, and they are another one of my wardrobe favorites (not so much in black but I wear my white ones ALL the time).
Boots. Boots are something that every girl needs at LEAST three pairs of. I have quite a few pairs of boots but I definitely have three certain ones that I always wear more than the others. The boots in this picture are from Forever Young Shoes, my skirt is from Cotton On, my t-shirt is from H&M, my earrings are from Charming Charlie's, and my vest is from Forever 21. I adore this vest. It goes with almost everything and I feel like it adds a lot to every outfit. I'm the kind of person that has a lot of key pieces that get attention, but I have a hard time buying items that get worn lots (t-shirts, leggings, cardigans). I feel like those items, even though they're a necessity, are a little boring to buy. So the past few months I've been working on buying more traditional items.
Lastly, this jacket. I probably wear this jacket too much. I LOVE it. When I need a quick jacket... it's what I grab. It goes with almost everything, it's beyond comfy, and it actually keeps me warm. I'll forever consider this one of my best finds. You can't see it super well, but it's a cargo jacket that has sweatshirt material for the sleeves and hood. I got the jacket from Forever 21.
I'm not very focused today and I apologize for that. Hopefully Wednesday's post will be a little more organized and cheerful. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
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