A Little About Me

Sometimes I like to pretend that my life is perfect and that I'm 100% normal... I'm not even a little bit normal. I've decided to write a little bit more about myself, while also showing you some not-so-perfect pictures that always come along with taking pictures of my outfits. Most of the pictures I end up with, I'm making a stupid face, my mouth is open, or my eyes are closed. I'm lucky if I end up with one good picture, so I thought it would be fun to show you that side of things. 
Before I forget, the outfit is the same in all pictures so here are the details: My boots are from Forever Young Shoes, my leggings and plaid shirt are both from Forever 21, my gray shirt is from H&M, and the scarf is from Walmart.

In the bottom picture, my earring had gotten stuck on my scarf and almost got ripped out. My husband was nice enough to capture this moment for me. Besides that, I literally have no explanation for my faces in the pictures. Here are two that turned ok though...

I've been told I'm photogenic my whole life. These bottom pictures would agree with that, not so much the upper ones though.

Anyway, a little about me: I'm 23 years old. I have one older sister, Christine, who is married to Sondra, and I have three little brothers Miles, Caleb, and Joshua. Caleb and Josh are twins--just in case you didn't catch that in past posts. It's always funny to me when people tell me that they can't tell the twins apart because I honestly think they don't look that much alike. 
My parents are divorced and have been since I was ten. My dad was around until I was about 15. My dad and I used to be really close. I felt like I related to him more than I did my mom. My dad has a lot of mental illnesses and for a long time they were well taken care of, but after my parents got divorced, things went downhill for him. When I was 15, I found out that my dad had gotten into some pretty serious drugs. Sometimes I miss my dad and then I remind myself that I miss the dad that used to be. My father is not the man he used to be. I have many fond memories of hanging out with my dad and just talking. When I'm around him now (I haven't seen him in over a year) I feel uncomfortable and like I'm talking to a stranger. I will always love my dad and I do still relate to him a decent amount. I also have some mental illnesses that I struggle with. I have depression but mainly I have severe anxiety. I've decided I'm going to do a whole post on that later on because it's such a big issue these days and I want to talk about my experience.
My mom is the opposite of my dad. I've never really gotten in a fight with my dad, my mom on the other hand... We've butted heads my entire life. BUT... She is my hero. I literally would not survive without my mom. She's taught me everything I know and she is constantly my rock. 
The biggest thing that has happened in my life was meeting my husband. We met when I was 16 years old. We started texting a couple days before we met face-to-face. He was the cousin of a girl that was in my ward, and Mike was up for Christmas break and wanted someone, his age, to talk to. We met New Years Eve 2008. I actually broke his nose, on accident, that day. Long story short... I accidentally kneed him in the nose pretty hard. He was on crutches already from a hurt knee, so he had to hobble his way into the bathroom with blood pouring out of his nose. It was pretty terrible. We did kiss, for the first time, that night, so I feel like he still won. We dated off and on for four year. Our dating relationship was very rocky. Our family backgrounds were pretty much the complete opposite and that raised a lot of issues. Finally, when I was 20, we got married. We had recently moved back closer to my family and my mom kinda pushed us to it, but we definitely needed that push. Marriage hasn't been easy but it's been WAY easier than dating was.
Mike is what keeps me strong. In this crazy world of thousands unknowns... I know that Mike loves me and I know that he'll always be there for me. When my anxiety started getting really bad, he would stay up with me all night if needed, and he never told me that it was all in my head. I truly lucked out.
People think I obsess about Mike a little too much, but think of this... I met Mike when I was 16. The years after that were the ones that made me who I am today. Mike is a very large part of who I am and how/why I got to where I am. So yes, I never stop talking about my husband and I think he's the greatest thing on earth, but it's all just facts to me. Plus, he spoils me freaking rotten. I can go shopping whenever I want and he never complains. That's hard to find in a man.

Some random facts about me:
I have a screw in my foot from a surgery I had to repair my pinky toe bone.
I am legally blind in my left eye. 
I have an unhealthy obsession with Ronda Rousey (this is no secret to anyone).
I still can't type very well.
I have a terrible fear of spiders and escalators.
I get along with dogs better than I do with humans. 
I love ice cream so much--like it's my favorite food.
Diet Coke runs through my veins (especially if you add some raspberry syrup and coconut cream).
I don't really like hats.
My favorite shows are One Tree Hill, Glee, and Gossip Girl.
My favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold... and I really love Justin Bieber.
My favorite color is yellow.
My goal in life is to be the kind of person that never says anything bad about anyone.
I hate negativity and I'm trying to get it all out of my life. 

Love you all! Have an incredible weekend!


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