February 2017
February was a somewhat interesting and stressful month.
It started out on an all right note. I bought tickets to see my favorite band (Avenged Sevenfold) in Vegas in April. It was pretty pricey cuz I just HAD to have V.I.P. seats... This is my first concert after all. Buying said tickets wasn't the best financial decision I've ever made and we've been trying to make up for it since then. Hopefully the concert will be beyond amazing and it will all be worth it!
On February 6th, Mike and I started The Fast Metabolism Diet. It's a book written by Haylie Pomroy and the diet is supposed to work wonders. My aunt had been doing it for awhile and had seen a lot of progress, so I thought I would give it a whirl. Here is a link to the author's website if you want more information on it.
I am in my last week of the diet and I have to say that it's been interesting. I didn't just start this diet to lose weight. I started it because it talks about healing your body and my body definitely needed some help. My anxiety was getting to a point that I wasn't controlling it well. I was having tension headaches a couple times a day. I had no energy. I was always tired. I just did not feel good about myself on the inside or outside.
I have DEFINITELY seen a lot of progress over the past 28 (almost) days. Yes, I have lost around 12 pounds and when I look in the mirror I can see many changes. But more importantly, I FEEL so much better. I have had ZERO tension headaches since starting this diet (I did have caffeine headaches during the first week because I had to cut caffeine out completely). My anxiety has been almost nonexistent which has made this diet worth it on it's own. I definitely have more energy (until about 8 PM). I will say that I have been extremely tired, but the book talks about how that can happen because your body is doing so much work to repair itself and it's releasing so many toxins.
I haven't loved every minute of this diet, but as far as diets go, it hasn't been too bad. I do miss soda and Cinnabon... I think the hardest part will be not going back to my old eating habits, but I have faith in myself. Plus, this diet has taught me whole new levels of self-control.
Another thing that has been changing, not necessarily because of the diet, is how I see myself. I've always struggled with self-confidence issues. Every time I looked in the mirror, I would immediately start picking myself apart. I didn't like really anything about myself. The past month I have really been working on this. If a mean thought about myself popped into my head, I would immediately stop it and then make myself say some nice things to counteract all the negative. I can't even begin to explain the changes that have come from this small thing. We see self love preached all over the internet, but how many of us are actually working on it. This world would be a much better place if we all loved ourselves a little more. If you feel confident in yourself, I guarantee all the hatred towards ANYTHING that is swirling around inside your head, will quiet down and eventually go away.
Anyway, I did not mean to get on a soapbox about that. I'm just so happy to be moving towards a place of loving myself completely.
(Shoes are Vans from Journeys, jeans are from Called to Surf, sweater is from Forever 21, & sunglasses are from Target)
This picture was actually taken BEFORE I started the diet. I need to take some after pictures...
I got to see quite a bit of my in-laws this month and that has been so nice. One weekend, at the beginning of February, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law brought their three boys up to stay with us. I love those little boys so much. They just make my heart so happy.
(Cooper is pictured on the left and baby Landon is on the right)
(This is Dylan. I don't know what it is about this kid, but he has such a big piece of my heart ♥)
Mike & I had quite the eventful Valentine's Day... My car decided to act up on me (it's only a 2010) and it really freaked me out. That meant that after work, we spent Valentine's Day working on my car. Luckily, Mike's cousin Sam and Sam's wife, Kaela, are amazing and spent their Valentine's Day helping us. We ended up taking them to dinner at Zupa's for all of their help. I'm always so grateful for family.
It was really hard to not give into all the treats on Valentine's Day, but I was strong!
I'll get the negative out of the way and then focus on the positive... This month has just been so stressful for many reasons. We had to pay taxes, both of our car's registration's are up soon, Mike's truck needs new tires, all the fun with my car acting up, Mike's work schedule has been all over the place, my little brother was having some health problems that could have been very serious (luckily we think he'll be ok)... Overall this month was just kind of overwhelming. I've been trying to have a positive attitude about everything because I know that I truly am so blessed. Some days are just so much harder than others...
Back to the positive... I FINALLY saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I LOVED it! My family is so Harry Potter obsessed that I probably would have loved it no matter what, but I just thoroughly enjoyed it.
Kaela (my cousin-in-law) had her baby shower. She's having a baby girl at the beginning of April and I am beyond excited! Shopping for her has become my favorite thing. I'm not ready for a baby of my own, but I can definitely live vicariously through Sam & Kaela.
Lastly, after three months, I finally dyed my hair again. I went back to my silver. It's always my favorite. I can't go wrong with it ♥
I think at the end of January I complained about that being a hard month too. I really need to put my positive pants on.
In March, I'm not going to let the bad days control me... I will turn the bad days into good days. We are in control of our own life and it's time I started changing my attitude.
Welcome to March 🍀
(I've been beyond obsessed with this shirt from Hope Ave. Mike got me it for Christmas)
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