Master Bathroom Remodel
HELLOOOO - it's been awhile! Instead of giving you an explanation on my absence, I'm just gonna move right into today's blog post:
We started our Master Bathroom Remodel in January 2018 - we finished in July 2018. Yep, you read that right. It took us SEVEN months to do this project. We absolutely did not anticipate that and it was hard.
We bought the condo last September with every intention to remodel the whole thing - that was always part of the plan. Originally, we were gonna start with my closet (that is actually an extra bedroom that we've turned into my closet) because it was gonna be easy and something good for us to practice on. Things didn't go as planned - as they usually don't. The beginning of January, we noticed some water damage in the ceiling of our front room. We kinda knew there was a leak going on in the master bathroom, but we didn't think it was that serious. We decided to have the whole condo professionally inspected so that we knew EXACTLY what we were getting ourselves into. We had them use the Infrared Thermal Imaging to inspect the house so that we could see inside the walls & ceiling too. The images showed that there was definitely some water damage in the ceiling, but it didn't seem to be as bad as we expected. Obviously, we had to put off my closet and start on the master bathroom instead.
We, pretty much, gutted the whole bathroom. The only original piece left is the lighting above the vanity, and we only left it because it goes with the design of the bathroom. Let me just say - we are SO blessed. Mike cut a hole in our front room ceiling and also pulled up all the tile and cut a hole in the master bathroom flooring and... there was literally one TINY piece of mold. All our friends and family had been telling us to anticipate having to get a disaster clean-up crew to come in and remove black mold. Our little piece of mold wasn't even black mold. A lot of prayers went into this project, and this was definitely one of the ones that was answered.
We ran into a lot of issues along the way. Mike travels for work occasionally, and he actually ended up traveling a LOT during this period, so that is a large part of what made it take so long. Plus, we both work full-time jobs, so when you get home from working all day, you don't really want to immediately start on your huge house project. It was a tough time for us. Honestly, it's been too long to remember ALL the details, so I'm going to post some 'During' pictures and kind of explain why we went with the design that we did. At the end, I will post all the 'Before' and 'After' pictures.
The top pictures are the flooring that was underneath the toilet - that's where the leak was coming from. As you can see, the wood has some dark spots and the wood was DEFINITELY weakened, but no crazy mold (this whole experience made me SO grateful for Utah's dry climate). The bottom picture is the hole we had to cut in the front room ceiling. The little bit of mold that was IN the ceiling was on the little piece that Mike cut out, and we just threw it away.
This is after we took EVERYTHING out of the bathroom.
Getting that tub in was a beast. Our (by "our" I mean Mike haha) next step was to put in cement board so we could do the tile next.
I have a serious obsession with LIGHT. I want my whole house to be so bright, and especially the bathroom. Because of this, we went with white and gray everything.
The tile for the floor wasn't too bad to put in, and we got it done in two days. The shower wall however... it was easily the thing that took us the longest. We were told not to do too many rows at once, or it can get too heavy and it could all fall off (I really don't care if you did something different that worked for you - this is what we did 😉).
Mike was nice enough to take this picture for me after he got the vanity in - thanks babe :)
This subway tile might have almost been the death of me, but boy is it worth it. It's sooo pretty!
Alright, friends - here's what you all came for: the 'Before & After' pictures:
I will try to give the details for all the parts I remember:
White Subway Tile: Floor & Decor
Marble Tile:Floor & Decor
Bathtub: Home Depot
Tub Faucet/Shower Head: Home Depot
Toilet: Home Depot
Overhead Lighting: Home Depot
Shower Curtain: Amazon
Please let me know if there is any other details you are wanting. If you can't tell... we've pretty much kept Home Depot in business. It was such a long process but SO worth it. All in all, it cost us around $4K, which sounds like a lot, but if we had hired someone else to do it, we would have been looking at anywhere from $10K-20K. Mike saved us a lot of money. This was definitely a learning experience for both of us. Mike spent a lot of time looking up "How-To" videos on YouTube. That's literally how we did this whole bathroom (Mike is the hardest worker on this planet and doesn't give up - that's honestly how we were able to accomplish this).
We are currently working on painting the WHOLE house and doing all the flooring. Our original plan was to remodel the whole condo room by room, but paint and flooring will be the elements that make the biggest difference so this is our new plan. We bought the flooring (minus carpet) on Saturday, and I can't wait to show it to you guys. We have some exciting things coming!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
XOXO, Danielle Nicole ♥♥♥
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