My Style Icons
I've talked about Cara Loren quite a few times before, so I decided it's time I put a face with the name for all of those who don't know who she is...
I pretty much think that Cara Loren is perfect. She's an LDS mom that lives in Salt Lake City. She's beautiful and in good shape, and one of the biggest things for me is that everything she wears is modest. We see so many fashion icons throughout the world who sometimes dress pretty promiscuously. As someone who tries to dress modestly, it's hard for me to look at those women. I see outfits they're wearing and I'm like, "Ooh I really like that, buuut... I can't wear it." (My choice I am not forced to dressed modestly by anyone or anything)
When I first saw Cara Loren I was kinda drawn to her because she looks a lot like Julianne Hough, and besides Ronda Rousey... Julianne Hough is my girl crush. If I could like anyone in the world it would be her. Anyway, then I started reading about Cara Loren and I found her blog. I have since then tried to recreate so many of her outfits because I LOVE her style. Here are two outfits I tried to imitate:
You can't see my outfit super well (Husband/camera man can't be around all the time) but you get the general idea. My black flats are from H&M, my camo skinny jeans are from Forever 21 as well as the green button-up I'm wearing underneath the main shirt, my lace bottom 1/4 sleeve is from Bella Ella boutique, and my jewelry is all from Charming Charlie. I think I did a pretty good job on this outfit.
This outfit was a tad different, but Cara Loren's outfit was the inspiration for my outfit. My wedge boots and gold chain necklace are from Forever 21, my olive skinny jeans are from H&M, my white shirt is from Madison and 6th, and my watch is from Charming Charlie.
Most of the time I come up with my own outfits, but sometimes I just get in such a funk where I feel like I keep pairing the same items together. When that happens I use pictures of Cara Loren's past outfits to inspire me to find new ones. Who are some of you guys fashion icons? I follow so many fashion bloggers that have great fashion sense. I love seeing all the different outfits that people can come up with.
Tonight is my office's Christmas party and I am SO EXCITED. I can't decide if I'm going to wear a dress that I already have or go buy a new one. I'm definitely leaning towards new one but I may not have time. I can't wait to show you guys some pictures from tonight. Happy Friday!!
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