Sunday Best
(Maroon cardigan from H&M, stripped dress from Bohme, lion necklace and tights from Forever 21, black wedge boots from Forever Young Shoes, lipstick is D for Danger by Mac)
For a long time Sundays, to me, meant not really getting ready. Throwing my hair in a ponytail and throwing on a skirt that I didn't really care about. As I've gotten older I've started to care a little bit more but I've still struggled. Probably about a month ago, a member of my ward's bishopric, told me that I looked very fashionable. He sounded a little surprised. I wasn't offended at all, but it did spark a desire for me to start actually trying on Sundays.
To help myself with this, I started by getting rid of all those skirts that I don't really care about. Side-note: I LOVE purging my closet. It's like shedding a layer of skin that I just don't need anymore. Anyway, after that I only had options that I liked and that made it way easier to plan an outfit. I've also started wearing lipstick more to church. I always "save" certain items for "special" days. I've realized that I have no idea when those "special" days are. Every day should be special. I read something yesterday that said, "Dress like you're already famous." It's esentially the same as the quote about seeing your worst enemies, but for some reason I liked this one better. Maybe because it's more of a positive light. We'll have to see if people start noticing that I'm trying harder on Sundays.
There are certain stores that are really good at producing new modest skirts so that I don't have to search high and low for them. Some of my favorites are: Urban Wear, Down East, Mika Rose, and Bohme. Bohme is pretty much my favorite for everything. I never go in there without seeing at least ten items that I HAVE to have.
I will leave you with some adorable pictures of me and my little brothers. Sometimes we get along... <3
They're so cute. I lucked out getting them as my brothers. They probably hate how much I love them and how defensive I am of them. There probably isn't a girl anywhere that I think will be good enough for them.
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