Halloween 2015

I know, I know... Halloween isn't till tomorrow. Buuut.. My work is having their party today so this is the day I'm dressing up. My family is having a little Halloween party tomorrow, but I probably won't dress up for that. So here's my costume:

If you know me at all, you know exactly who I'm dressed up as. For those of you who know nothing about me, I'm Ronda Rousey. She's my hero. Plus, I had a friend tell me that if I didn't dress up as her for Halloween, we couldn't be cool with each other. So here I am as Ronda Rousey! It also gives me an excuse to wear work out clothes to work. Typing with these hand wraps on is pretty hard though. I also don't have to wear make up, so yay for that! 

What is everyone elses Halloween plans? What are you all being for Halloween? I love seeing all the different costumes that people come up with. 

I hope everyone has an incredibly spooky Halloween! Don't get too crazy... ;)


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