National Boyfriends Day & World Day of Bullying Prevention

There were two holidays yesterday that I thought were important. I'm going to start with the happier one: National Boyfriends Day! 
Yes, Mike and I have been married for almost four years, but that doesn't mean he isn't still my boyfriend. Boyfriend is such a playful term that I love and Mike WAS my boyfriend for four years of my life and they were really fun years.

(the first picture we ever took together when we were 16 & 17 years old)

To celebrate this holiday I bought Mike two surprises

I would be lying if I said that the Death of a Bachelor CD was just for Mike... We've both been wanting that CD for awhile. The movie though... I sent him a SnapChat of the movie and told him Happy National Boyfriends Day. He was pretty stoked. He watched this movie for the first time a couple weeks ago. I hadn't heard very good things about it so I stubbornly refused to watch it for a long time. It definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I stand by the fact that it isn't like all the other Marvel movies. Anyway... Then last night we spent some time quizzing each other on our favorite things, like we did when we were newly dating and trying to get to know each other. It was an incredible night. We both were able to stay off our phones ALL night. It was a Christmas miracle.

Now for a more serious topic: World Day of Bullying Prevention

I, personally, haven't been bullied a ton in my life. I've definitely had some boys & girls make some rude comments to me in person and on social media throughout my life, but it hasn't been a common occurrence. However, I see it constantly on other people's pages and it makes me so sick and so sad. What started this trend of belittling others to make ourselves feel better? I don't even understand why people do it to celebrities. Is your life SO boring that you feel the need to sit behind your computer or phone screen and constantly post terrible things in their comment sections? 
It's not a secret that I'm a Bieb fan & I've been missing him terribly on Instagram, but I think what he's doing is kinda incredible. People are definitely meaner to him than almost anyone in the entire world (people will always hate on greatness). He has put up with so much crap throughout the years, and though it has definitely effected him, he hasn't put up too much of a stink about it. But then the world decided to start picking on his friend/girlfriend (whatever she is) and he wasn't having it. He warned his followers that if they didn't stop he would make his Instagram private. They didn't stop and he took it the next step further by deleting his Instagram. 
I just truly don't understand the appeal of cyber-bullying especially, but really bullying in general. Even grown adults, who think they are so professional, bully each other. As a server, I have many "upstanding citizens" bully me. I don't care if you've had a bad day. I don't care if you want something for free. I don't care what you think you're entitled to. I always want to stop them in the middle of their sentence and just ask them if bullying me is making them feel better. Does bullying ever REALLY make you feel better about yourself or your life? Never has even gossiping about someone made me feel better. I usually leave the conversation feeling sick and telling myself that I need to do better. 
I wish there was something more I could do for this movement. I believe so strongly in the Stop Bullying campaign. I want people to love themselves and see why they're so great. If you need someone to remind you why you are here and why you deserve the world... Come to me and I will help remind you. We need to spread more love & happiness. This world is scary enough as it is without us bullying each other.


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